Happy New Year to you all. I hope 2012 is a good one for you.
I wanted to give a general update on a number of fronts so….
On the dog front. We’re still missing Rex, but we have decided to try and find another rescue dog. We’ve been to see a couple, had a couple of false starts. Just waiting for the right dog to find us. C’mon boy, wherever you are.
On the biking front. Motivation and fitness has been at an all time low. I dunno why. But, just recently I’ve found myself enjoying my cycling a litttle more. I’m currently involved with the Rochcechouart Club’s ‘Ecole de VTT’ (school of mountain biking). Imagine that, an English bloke teaching French kids how to ride a mountainbike! They are great kids, and we have a good laugh. Some of them are damn fit to, and I have to try to keep up.
On the band front. I played in four different bands last year. Which means I learned four sets. It was hard work, and enough is enough! I’ve always played in other peoples bands, playing mostly what they want to play. So, I/we’ve started our own band called ‘Sugaree’. Watch out! More on this soon.
That’s about it for now. Ride on, rock on, and if you spot a GSD looking for a home, gis’ a shout!