4 day weekend imminent

Friday is fast approaching, and I have a four day weekend too look forward to (fri/sat/sun/mon). That means a fest of biking, boozing, and more biking. I’ve got it all planned out, 3hrs around the lanes and Kinver Tommorrow, 3hrs off-road at Ludlow on Saturday, 3hrs somewhere good on Sunday, then a couple of hours over Kinver on Monday.

That’s the plan, but I also have a physio session on Monday with the lovely Miss Hesketh for my ‘still recovering’ shoulder, which could leave me a little sore. Then I have an appointment with my consultant Mr Cool, for the same injury, that might leave me sore, and depressed. Still, that’s Monday and I’ll have had the best part of my long weekend by then.

Thursday lunchtime now, and I’m wishing my life away like a little kid. Roll on tonight, let the partying begin!

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