I hope all is going well for you. Fully Christmassed up, stuffed and looking forward to the Queen’s message….as is tradition….and, as is tradition I went for my usual Christmas Day ride. Just a couple of hours to build up an appetite. Carla came with me for the first hour. I did the second hour on my own. Cold, but sunny, with a biting North wind. I stayed on the trails close to home chosing the hardest going to keep warm. The ground was frozen, but not solid, more crusty, which was interesting/sketchy/fun. I rode Big Bird. She was great. So comfy.
It was a really nice ride. Just what I wanted. Hardly saw a soul about…..and all those geese at the farm by Troupen… all gone!!! Bon apetite! Bon Noël! Merry Christmas! 😉
Merry Christmas to you both!