Oooops I did it again!

Right forearm X-ray

Fell off my MTB, broke my right ulnar. Did it back at the start of October. Would have mentioned it sooner, but I couldn’t type! The metalwork on the X-ray is from when I broke it when I was 14. Look to the left of that and you’ll see the new break. I’ve had it in a cast for 7 weeks. Got the cast of now and trying to get back to normal. I’ve been told not to ride until mid December. But I can play my guitar! Got some work to do as it’s quite sore/stiff/weak.

I was riding down a trail that I’ve ridden hundreds of times en route to Cognac la Foret. It is quite tricky. It’s a rocky stream crossing. I usually make it OK. Not this time though. Front wheel dropped into a hole and I went straight over the bars, landed on my arm on the rocks. I didn’t know it was broken at first. I thought I would be OK. I was a bit shaken, and it took me a while to get up. My arm was hurting so I put it in the cold stream water while I gathered my senses and worked out what to do. I noticed I had cut my arm open. I took it out of the stream, gave it a rinse from my bike bottle and wrapped my buff around it.

The plan now was to abandon the ride and cycle home along the road. Just getting to the nearest road was tough. Just getting on my bike was tough. After a few kilometres I knew I was going to have to call Carla for help. Carla took one look at my arm and told me I would need to go to hospital. The hospital doctor took one look and sent me for X-ray. 5 hours later I’m stitched up with my arm in a cast.

Dutch Porn Castle Loop

One of my favourite loops to ride recently. The Chateau de Montbrun is said to be owned by a Dutch Porn Baron….whether this is true or not I don’t know, but it’s what it’s known as. Right after the Chateau there is the climb to Le Grand Puyconnieux. A really nice Cat 4 climb. From the top it’s big ring hammer time all the way to Cussac.
It was a brilliant ride, I really enjoyed it, and gave it some all the way round.

The Chateau de Montbrun

On the podium in the 28th Fréderic Mistral VTT Raid

La 28ème Frédéric Mistral. Réservé aux initiés parcours difficile type cross-country (longue distance) dans les monts de Blond……..Une belle matinée de course sur mon vélo dans les Monts de Blond. 1er dans la catégorie des plus de 60 ans. Un grand merci à toute l’équipe de Guidonbellachon pour cette fabuleuse compétition.

Surely one the best MTB races of the season! One lap, mass start, raced as seen. I love this race. It has everything. It’s tough, technical, some of the descents are tougher than some of the climbs, there’s some super fast stuff, and the scenery is beautiful!!!

I was lucky to be able to race. Just over two weeks ago I did something to my back. I could hardly walk let alone ride my bike. It looked liked all the hours of training I’d done would be wasted. However, I started some Physio sessions with Helen at Perfect Motion, and the results were amazing. Not only was I able to race, but my back felt better than ever. Better than usual!

It was tough! It was great! Conditions were perfect. I caught my arch rival Jean-Claude Sansonnet after 20 mins of racing. I got past him on some technical terrain and worked hard to open up a gap. I got out of sight. Around an hour later JC comes past like I’m standing still! He’s really working hard. I manage to hang on. He eases slightly, I go past, and give it my all. Opened up a gap again, and gave it all I’d got. I made it home with a couple of minutes lead.

A great day out on the bike! Find out more about this race on the Guidonbellachon website.

On the podium in the 25th Fréderic Mistral VTT Raid

25th Frederic Mistral VTT Race

Yeah!!! I made it onto the podium in second place! Don’t get too excited though, I was second in the over 60s category. However, I did ride well, and I thoroughly enjoyed the race. The 25th edition of the Frederic Mistral. One big 42km circuit around the magical mystical and very beautiful Monts de Blond.

How’d it go? I rode a measured, safe, calculated ride. I had a plan and I stuck to it. The plan was to take it steady for the first hour to hour and a half then turn it up. I started steady and found myself in the company of two other 60+ riders. One of them dropped his chain and had to stop, so I knew he was behind. The other was right in front of me. He was riding well, so I stayed where I was and shadowed him. I played it a bit cute, I didn’t want him to know I was there. I didn’t want to take it on too soon. With an hour and a half gone I was looking for an opportunity to sneak by. There was a sharp bend, and moment of confusion two or three other riders, I slipped by on the inside and upped the pace. I didn’t see him again. I pushed on hard thinking I was leading 60+ vet, but unbeknown to me there was another who finished some 7 minutes ahead of me. No matter, I had a fab day out, and loved every second of it.

I’m lovin’ the snow – epic fail

I’ve been enjoying the snow and freezing temperatures. Riding in the snow can be great fun if you are properly prepared. You know, plenty of thin wicking layers, double socks, over shoes, skull cap, buff, double gloves – a thin pair under a thicker pair, and spare gloves in a rucksack. Talking of the rucksack I’m carrying spare gloves, a spare undershirt, foil blanket, all that on top of the usual tools and spares. I’m also carrying some spare food, and a moby. Plus i’ve detailed my route to Carla and I’m sticking to it. See, I’m riding on my own. It’s highly unlikely that I’ll see anyone. If I have a problem it could so easily turn into something serious in the sub zero temperatures. So i’m using my head and adopting some mountaineering thinking. But – EPIC FAIL!!! I forgot to put my helmet on!!!

I carefully donned all my kit, and sped off for a couple of hour around the forest. It was fanatsic. Most of the trails were virgin snow just deer tracks, and tracks left by other small animals and birds. I’m hammering along thinking that even if I do go down it will be OK because I’ll slide and be unhurt.

I arrive back at home feeling great. On a natural high. Calm, serene, all stress and aggression removed. I reach up to unbuckle my lid!!! Doh!!!

Come Forth…..

Come forth…. So I did, twice…. 4th in the Departmental VTT Champs, and 4th in the Regional VTT Champs. 4th is bad innit?

4th in the Departmentals at St Gence in the poring rain just eight seconds behind 3rd and 30 seconds behind 2nd. Wasn’t with the gridded riders so had to come from a long way back. It was all going so well, I was with the two other podium riders, then a lapped crashed right in front of me. I lost ground, was making it up, but ran out of time. In the meantime my old mate Jean Claude Sansonnet was minutes clear to take the win.

4th in the Regionals on a fantastic bone dry circuit in the Monts de Blond. Again, I wasn’t gridded. We were racing with the over 40s. They had red numbers, us over 50s had black numbers. On the second of three laps someone told me I was in third place. I could see a black number not far behind me. I rode very hard to try and open the gap on him. Bear in mind, I can see his number, but he can’t see mine. It worked, and by the top of the circuit I was out of sight. Out for the final lap. About a third of the way around I see Jean Claude coming back down the circuit, he’s abandoned the race. More of this later. So now I’m thinking I’m in second place. There’s lots of supporters around, and nobody is telling me any different. At the top of the circuit I’m still clear. All I have to do is ride the descent without puncturing. Carla tells me I’ve done a great ride, and I’m 4th!!! again. Which is pretty bad, but actually I wasn’t that much off the pace (4 mins).

In the meantime, my old mate Jean Claude is on his way to hospital. He has 6 broken ribs, and the medics are worried about his breathing! Flippin’ ‘eck JC!!!! I wish you Bon Courage and a speedy recovery.

Bon Noël a tous….

I hope all is going well for you. Fully Christmassed up, stuffed and looking forward to the Queen’s message….as is tradition….and, as is tradition I went for my usual Christmas Day ride. Just a couple of hours to build up an appetite. Carla came with me for the first hour. I did the second hour on my own. Cold, but sunny, with a biting North wind. I stayed on the trails close to home chosing the hardest going to keep warm. The ground was frozen, but not solid, more crusty, which was interesting/sketchy/fun. I rode Big Bird. She was great. So comfy.

It was a really nice ride. Just what I wanted. Hardly saw a soul about…..and all those geese at the farm by Troupen… all gone!!! Bon apetite! Bon Noël! Merry Christmas! 😉

VTT Rando Nieul – A blast!

No gig this weekend so we got up early and went to the VTT Rando at Nieul. I opted for the 40 kms loop. Carla did the 30 kms. We were away at 08:45, a beautiful morning though a bit windy. Anyways, now the cyclo-cross season has started a lot of the young racers were missing. I found myself right up near the front with a gang on veterans including the current departmental champions for road and VTT!

After about 5 kms a group of three began to pull away. I went after them. Don’t forget, I’m riding my Spesh Epic, what an awesome bike. I’m gaining on the three, probably about 30 metres behind them. There’s a sharp right over a small footbridge, into a chemin. The three have disappeared! Just as I’m thinking they can’t have suddenly gone much quicker I hear them off to the left. They’ve missed the turn. I give it all I’ve got in an attempt to get out of sight. 😉

I’m absolutely flying along, feeling the good pain. I’m making the most of my bike, railing over the rough ground, carving the turns like a man possesed. At the end of a long straight I take a quick look back. No one there! I push on, hard.

The trails are bone dry, and very fast. I’m sliding in some of the corners and using the edge of the trail as a berm to get me around. At the last moment I spot a mud hole. I’m going too fast to miss it. I look straight over it, and pedal as hard as I can. It’s deeper than I thought it might be, and slippy to. It shoots me to one side. I bang my knee hard on the handlebars. I come through in one piece, still upright, still on the bike. I have to ease up while I wait for the pain in my knee to subside. I change down and spin an easy grear.

A few minutes pass, and I’m picking up speed again. A rider arrives, he comes past, he’s riding hard, I chase after him. It feels like he’s trying to drop me. Some few kms later he pulls over and stops. I dunno why. He seemed to be going OK.

Back on my own again, and pushing hard. A marshall tells me there’s 10k left. Those last 10 kms were real roller-coaster stuff. Awesome trails, a real blast. 40 kms banged out in 1hr 49mins. Thanks to all at Cyclo Club Nieul for a great morning’s riding.


Yesterday was different…

When I go on training rides with my friend Cyril he insists that we sprint for village signs (panneau). He always beats me, he always rubs it in, calls me his “Papi” (grandad!). But yesterday was different! Oh yes. Yesterday was very different. Ha ha ha!!!!

Hey, did I tell ya ’bout when I go on training rides with Cyril??!!! 😉

Team Dave’s mission….

Remember a little while back I was telling you about my buddy James, and his Land’s End to John O Groats ride? Well. he mentioned that the euphoria and sense of achievement was somewhat marred by the fact that when you arrive at John O Groats there’s only you and your team there. All your supporters and friends are back home, and to get back home you have to climb in a vehicle for the 8 hour drive.

Team Dave banner

Now, Dave Price (James’ cousin – also a compulsive cyclist), and Dave Lewis (yet another Pearce Cycles Dave aka Sparky Dave), fancied having a go at the LeJog, unsupported…….. and were discussing James’ comment when they had this lateral thinking brainwave. They both live close to the LeJog route, so why not ride to Lands End, then ride to John O Groats, then ride home! Effectively doing the length of the country twice, unsupported, and ending their ride as homecoming heroes on their own doorstep. What a genius idea! Plus try as they might, they couldn’t think of a single reason why they shouldn’t do it!!! So they are….

Starting Sept 11th 2010, Team Dave will cycle the length of the UK twice unsupported in 20 days, covering approximately 2000 miles, raising money for Air Ambulance.

You can follow their progress on the Team Dave website. I urge you to support them by sponsoring them here, or here. It’ll raise their spirits, and drive them on. I mean like, c’mon, 2000 in 20 days, that’s 100 miles a day for 20 days!!! That’s awesome! What a schedule.

Bon Courage Team Dave. Good Luck for tomorrow, and the next 19 days. We’ll all be willing you on.
