Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club March 2020

With all bars and restaurants closed, and travel banned for non essential purposes there was no way Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club could go ahead in March. Instead we put out our first ever online broadcast. This featured music from members only. You can listen to it here….

Music from Norrie Snakebite Burnnett, Tim Bragg, Andy Berry, Ann Ellam, Rod Millgate, Madame Blanc, and Steve and Ev’ from Highland Hotclub.

Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club 2020

Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club…proudly presents a programme of Jazz and Blues for 2020….
27th February – Soleil Couchant
30th April – Soleil Couchant
25th June – Soleil Couchant
27th August – Soleil Couchant
29th October – Soleil Couchant
26th December – Soleil Couchant

There will be some additional ‘secret sessions’. Please ‘like’ our facebook page to be kept informed.

If you are looking for some Jazz and Blues action in the Haute Vienne, Charente area of France, then Bennetti’s Jazz n Blues Club could be the place for you. We meet on the last Thursday every other month. All players of all abilities are very welcome, all I ask is that you contact me first so that I can fit you in where you’ll be happiest. Bennetti’s Jazz n Blues Club is primarily for musicians, our aim is, “to create a warm loving environment in which like minded musicians can meet, play, share, grow, and get hip!”, having said that, all fans of jazz n blues are welcome.

Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club Special…REVIEW

Our Jazz n Blues special took place on Sunday 9th November at La Ferme St Michel in Confolens.

All on stage at the end - Bennetti's Jazz n Blues!

Are you wondering how it went? Was the three months of work worth it? Did it all come together on the night?
Well yes it did! It was fantastic! Better than I could have hoped. In fact it was just perfect! The place was packed, and a great afternoon was had by all. So many people thanked us, and yet we have so many people to thank. Right from the ‘load in’ and set up at 12 noon through to climbing into bed at gone 1am the next day….perfect!

We even got a review in the local press….thanks Annie Grandjean at Charentelibre.

Confolens : le public au rendez-vous du Bennetti’s Jazz & Blues club.
Lynn Garner and Brad Lang

Ce sont près de 160 personnes qui ont fait le déplacement dimanche après-midi à la Ferme Saint-Michel pour assister à l’animation organisée par l’association Bennett Productions en partenariat avec l’Amac. Bennetti’s Jazz & Blues Club a offert au public un concert de deux heures d’une grande qualité. Ce concept réunit des musiciens de tous horizons, le but étant de jouer ensemble, apprendre les uns des autres, échanger autour d’une même passion. Quinze musiciens amateurs et professionnels se sont succédés sur scène pour jouer divers morceaux. De longs applaudissements et de longues discussions avec les artistes ont conclu cette soirée qui fut une grande réussite aux dires du public présent.

Le “Bennetti’s Jazz & Blues” sera jeudi 27 novembre á partir de 20h30 au Golf de Saint-Junien. Entrée gratuite.

Read more on the Charente Libre website here.

We have pro’ photographer Ian Wilson to thank for a superb album of photos. Here’s a selection to give you the idea…..

Blues Shouter Norrie Snakebite Burnett…
Norrie Snakebite Burnett

Andy Roxburgh on Saxes…
Andy Roxburgh on Saxes

Birthrite‘s drummer Ron Draper – who flew out from the UK just for the weekend to take part…
Ron Draper - Drummer with Black Country Steampunk bnad Birthrite

Here’s me, in the background, hanging on every note from fab French bluesman Bobby Dirninger
Bobby Dirninger

You’ll find the full album of pictures here.

Thanks to all the musicians who took part. You were all fabulous, and to see you enjoying what you do best made my day.
Thanks to all the team at La Ferme St Michel for having us. Especially Seb’ of Asscociation AMAC.
Thanks to all the supporters and fans of Jazz n Blues that came along on the day. It’s as much about you as it is us. It’s ‘our’ show!
Thanks to all the team at La Ferme for a great sound and a making us all feel welcome. We had a great sound – thanks Yan!
Thanks to all the wives and partners who ‘mucked in’ and helped. Lin on the merch’ table, Jaci on seating, Dave and Bill on the door.
Oh and needless to say…Thanks to Carla (Madame Blanc) her all her help and support, and for presenting the show in French! I could not have done it without her.

Madame Blanc… 🙂 <3 Madame Blanc

Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club Special…

Yeah! The Jazz n Blues club I started continues to go from strength to strength. So…we are organising a Jazz n Blues Special on Sunday the 9th November at La Ferme St Michel in Confolens. We have a some fabulous musicians coming to take part including Norrie ‘Snakebite’ Burnett (Blues Shouter), and Bobbie Dirninger (fresh from the Montreux jazz festival). We also have seasoned pro’s Lynn Garner and Brad Lang, as well as Birthrite’s drummer Ron Draper who’s flying in from the UK just to take part. It is gonna be a special day!


T-Sirts available for 10 euros! They look like this….

Jazz n Blues T-Shirt

If you are anywhere near Confolens 16500 on the 9th November and you are a Jazz and Blues fan. Don’t miss this! This will be a truly hip hang, dig?

Entrée libre (restauration sur place toute la soirée – pas de reservation necessaire)

Dimanche 9 Nov à 17:00 heures, nous accueillons le fameux Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club (organisé par Steve Bennett) au La Ferme St Michel, Confolens 16500.

Le jazz club est ouvert à tous, ce concept réunit des musiciens de tous horizons ; le but est de jouer ensemble, apprendre les uns des autres, échanger autour d’une même passion. Les morceaux joués pendant la séance sont improvisés.

Il faut le voir pour le croire ! Chaque performance du jazz club est étonnante, leur public les suit où qu’ils se produisent, c’est une expérience à ne pas manquer ! Si vous voulez vous joindre à eux, tenter votre chance et amener votre instrument ou simplement les regarder en sirotant un apéritif au bar, n’hésitez pas ! Ambiance garantie !