Bussiere-Poitevine VTT Randonnee and Raid

As part of my training for the Grande Traverse de Limousin I’ve been doing hard rides back to back to back. So, following my 100plus km with the ROC yesterday my plan was to do the Bussiere-Poitevine VTT Randonnee then ride part way home.
On the startline at Bussière-Poitevine
When I found out that there was also a Raid (race), well I just couldn’t stop myself, I entered without a second thought. It was only 38km! OK, I knew I was racing tired, but the pace off the start was incredible. All categories raced together, and for want of a better description I took a good kicking! At one point I was even overtaken by the leading tandem!

I managed to regain some composure and started racing. The course was excellent, there was one section especially where we flew down a singletrack along the side of a river valley. We roller-coastered along a shelf with carpets of bluebells either side before the inevitable stream (deep) crossing.

I completed the course in 1:44:04 probably around 20th rider home. Yeah, and I got caught by the tandem again on the last tarmac section. They came by fast, and although I managed to get their wheel I couldn’t hold them.
Showers, bike wash, camping
Five minutes or so later Carla arrived, she’d been doing the medium Randonnee. We got some food from the buffet and sat in the sun to enjoy it. What a great way to spend a Sunday morning, just 4 euros for a race, breakfast, food stops, an after race buffet, and I even got a free hat. Oh and there were showers, bike wash, and camping too!

All too soon (I could have sat there all day) we set off for home. I had changed into some fresh kit, and I took and easy ride home over the Monts de Blond while Carla took the van. Now I really was tired, but before long the fairies had taken me, and I rolled along with not a care in the world. My hard traing done I’m looking forward to an easier week.

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