Fast, Aggressive, going for it….

Fast, aggressive, going for it…. that’s the wife! Here she is hammering away from the start at the Busiere Pontivine Raid last weekend. She’s the one on the front with the yellow bike. Meanwhile i’m back in about 8th on the far side, while the eventual winner sits around 15th. Incredible!

Carla leads the field away at Bussiere Pontivine

Ever since she did the departmental champs, where she came second, she’s been training hard, and it’s certainly paying off. Keep it up Carla! 🙂

BTW – I found the picture on the Briance Roselle website. I’m sure they won’t mind me borrowing it.

3 thoughts on “Fast, Aggressive, going for it….

  1. Salut. Trés beau départ Carla.
    Alors la rando de Saint-Genest sur Roselle s’est bien passer? Steve, tu t’es fais battre par charley 🙂 à bientot

  2. Davy,
    Oui, c’est vrai….. SuperCharley roule bien. Trop vite pour moi! 🙂

    Carla isn’t riding the GTL, so you probably won’t get the chance to meet her. I’ll try and pursuade her to come to the finish.

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