Getting 2022 Started…

Happy New Year 2022
I’ve been collecting inspirational quotes to keep in mind this year. I’m gonna share some of my favourites…..
“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” – That quote by the author Robin Sharma suggests that change is not only inevitable but that it’s necessary for a good life. A useful thought this time of year.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.”  – Nido Qubein.

Victoria Pendleton on mental preparation says: “It’s a lifelong process, just as physical training is. It becomes a lot easier, the more you practise it.

As I go into a ‘dry’ January, I’ll leave you with three thoughts from Mike Lake that I hope will inspire some of your decisions as you ease into 2022:

  • Find the courage to venture outside of your current comfort zone. Pick those opportunities well.
  • Declare the end of doing the same things over and over expecting different results. And that includes how you practice and play your instrument!
  • Consider the valuable energy wasted over resisting change. What are you missing while you spend time and energy fighting change rather than being open to embracing the opportunities it may bring to you?

I wish you all a fabulous 2022. May it be your best year ever.