I’ve married a dirty woman!

Yep, it’s true, I’ve married a dirty woman who has a lot to learn. It’s gonna be a rocky road for her, but she enjoys it. From never having ridden a motorbike before, to riding 70miles off-road in a day in the space of four rides. From shaking with fear to thinking about entering her first enduro, she’s got an entry form for the ‘Fast Eddie Winter Series’. Now hold on there wife. I know you like nothin better than gettin’ dirty with the boys, but there’s a lot to learn.

One thought on “I’ve married a dirty woman!

  1. These were the original comments…
    Carla – give it some wellie! (that applies to both the marriage and the motocross!)

    kb said @ 12/21/2005 04:29 PM GMT

    Eh ya bugger, you kept that quiet. Jeez what a suprise. Congrats – oh and pass on my condolences to Carla!. Hope alls well now you are a man of leisure. Get them dishes done.

    Paul said @ 11/10/2005 04:19 PM GMT

    About time you were made an honest man of!! What was it that you think attracted this wonderful specimen to you – your charm and wit??

    You aint seen me – right!! said @ 11/10/2005 04:00 PM GMT

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