It is two years ago today that I joined this group and began studying jazz with Matt Warnock…….and what a two years it has been. I believe I have learnt more in the last two years with Matt’s guidance and the support of this group than I did in the previous twenty. Every aspect of my playing has changed for the better, the way I hold my guitar, the way I think about music, the way I listen, everything. I am a different player.
I have gone from being a player that could maybe bluff an easy jazz tune to a player who has an abundance of options over any jazz tune. The way Matt breaks things down and explains them makes learning jazz easy. The exercises and challenge Matt sets are fun, and give you things you can use in your playing straight away. The Monday works shops are motivational. The study guides are packed with jazzy goodness. I am more motivated to play, and more in love with music than I have ever been.
“Thank you Matt for all that you do for us. Thanks for your fabulous teaching and leadership. Thanks also to all my friends in the group for the camaraderie and support. It’s a pleasure to share this jazz journey with you all”……