Monday maintenance and recovery ride

Disc pads
No wonder the brakes weren’t very good! Yes, and not even out of my bike!

With Carla racing lately there’s two of us out on the Monday recovery ride. It’s a sunny but chilly day as we spin down to Rochechouart for a tart treat from the boulanger. We’re talking about how the ride went yesterday, and so on. Carla’s bike is making a lot of noise. We stop, I take a look. I’m thinking there’s a lot of piston showing on her back brake. The rear wheel has skipped over a touch. I put it straight and tell her to take it easy on the descents.

My favourite boulanger is closed, gone on conges (vacation) for a week. I have to make do with a Chasson Pomme from the one around the corner! We cycle home with a slight tailwind, it’s warm in the sun.

Coffee and tart later I strip Carla’s back brake. You couldn’t get much more wear out of a set of pads than that! I have to steal a pair out of my new bike short term. A small sacrifice for the woman I love. 🙂

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