The weather was great over the weekend wasn’t it? I got out both days on my Kona singlespeed. I have been trying to pusuade Carla that she should get one, but she is unsure. However, what she has taken to doing is – if I ride my single speed she puts her bike in a similar gear, and tries to stay with it.As we rode on Sunday, we tackled some good climbs, and she made them all easily. We were on our way home, with one tough climb to finish off. Carla said that she didn’t think she would make it to the top of this one. So, as she had done so well, and I wanted her to feel good about her ‘singlespeeding’, I climbed off as the going got tough. Carla rode straight past me and attacked the climb with great gusto! Luckily (for me) she didn’t make it all the way to the top. Serves me right for being soft!