Benbros hit Chicksands

I went down to visit my brother this week. He took a day off work, and we hit the trails at Chicksands Mountainbiking Area. There’s some amazing stuff there, drop-offs and descents that I wouldn’t have a hope of riding. Judging by the tyre marks though there are plenty that can.We stuck mostly to the Red Route, which is like a typical Cross-country race circuit. Fast flowing singletrack mixed with short tough climbs, not to technical, but requiring skill to ride it fast. Anyway, Supawal gave me a lesson in the ‘leap of faith’ descending method leaving me a long way behind. He’s been there a few times before, and knew what was coming next. As time went on, and I got to know my way around we became more evenly matched, and although I still couldn’t keep up with him on the downhill I was able to catch him on the climbs. Two and a half hours later, soaked in sweat, and tired from a good workout we headed home for food and beer.

Back at our Wal’s place little Eggbert (Eleanor) was waiting to entertain us. She is a little darling, and she can wind you round her little finger. She had me playing with fluffy toys, playing hide and seek, and singing daft songs. An’ me a tough bike rider an all!

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