BUSA MTB Championships

I spent the greater part of this weekend driving an uplift trailer at the British Universities Sports Association (BUSA) MTB Championships held at Bringewood near Ludlow, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What a great bunch those students are. Do they know how to enjoy themselves or what? Some of them had entered for both the downhill, and the cross-country, on the same bike! Now if that ain’t game for a laugh I don’t know what is.That’s not to say there weren’t some serious racers there, there were, posting downhill times of national standard. Seriously impressive, fearless, with razor sharp skills the fast men rode through the trees, rocks, roots, and mud like they were born to do it.

But what impressed me more was the friendly atmosphere, the team spirit, everyone there to enjoy themselves, and have a great time, while still giving consideration for others. In short, it was a pleasure working with them, and I’m gonna put my name down to do it again next year.

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