Just couldn’t face it….

Turbo trainingI’m OK if it rains when I’m already out, but if it rains beforehand I struggle. So there I am getting my kit on for the wednesday afternoon bash with the ROCC, the sky is getting darker and darker, the wind is gusting, the forecast is awful. With about 10 minutes to go it starts raining. It’s been on and off all morning, though Carla managed a good hour and a half around Cognac le Foret with sunny spells!

Light rain at first, then harder and harder. Surely only a madman or someone who’s paid an entry fee would ride in such weather. But I must train, so, it’s a turbo session. A 10 minute warm up followed by 8 * 3 mins @ >90rpm recovering to 120bpm before going again. It’s mindnumbingly dull stuff, and on the last 3 i’m fighting hard to keep cadence, but it’s done.

I feel so much hate for the turbo, I feel cheated by the weather, I’m not happy, I consider stripping to the waist and whipping myself with a wire coathanger! I have a cup of tea instead. Well what would you have done? 🙂

15 thoughts on “Just couldn’t face it….

  1. Salut Steve. C’est ton nouveau vélo? Tu va battre J-Claude avec ça. A bientot

  2. Salut Davy, mon nouveau vélo arrive vendredi…. Comment tu pique-nique au Ambazac ?

    Raymond, only wore the burkha for the warm up. Zapped my legs with my Compex EMS for extra pain after. 🙂

  3. Hey, just found your blog – wonderful! What would I have done? Hmm – get out there! Does your skin leak? 🙂


  4. En fait il faisait trop mauvais pour faire un pique-nique. On a rouler l’après midi mais c’était très humide. A bientôt avec ton nouveau vélo.

  5. Does your skin leak?…..
    Fair point Graham, perhaps I’m just soft. Though it’s more what it does to my bike rather than what it does to me.
    Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  6. Salut Steve, Samedi il fait beau. Tu vien avec ton frère a la reconnaissance à Ambazac? Il faut que tu me montre ce nouveau Specialezed. 😉

  7. Dude, you need to get some rollers – takes the boredom out of training indoors.
    Cool website by the way. Nice to see the built up – glad you like it 😉


  8. Good stuff Steve! You know I love turbo training, maybe you be thinking how lucky you are to be able to train when its peeing down. Imagine all the usual ROC gang sitting at home on the sofa sulking….see its a lot better now!

    Question 90 rpm what gear ratio?

  9. Davy – Ambazac Samedi? je ne sais pas…. Je ne veux pas faire mon nouveau vélo sale! 🙂

    Bonjour Ian – Yes, the Coves a nice bike. My brother will be riding it this weekend. He loves it, he thinks it’s his, Carla thinks it’s hers, I hardly get a look in.

    “Question 90 rpm what gear ratio?�
    Paul, I dunno, I’m doing them on my mountainbike. Whatever gear it is, it’s the hardest one I can do the interval in and hold form. Any harder and my cadence drops.

  10. I hate indoor training and get some perverse pleasure out of riding in the worst conditions (usually inappropriately dressed). But, the club’s turbo torture sessions are probably the hardest thing I do.. so I like ’em.. which sucks because they’re almost over for the year and I don’t wanna buy my own turbo! 🙁

  11. i agree with ian, rollers add a little more attention/ability than turbo trainers, just got myself a set! dda iawn! (especially in the welsh weather) 🙂

  12. Use your Greater Heal when you are healing one target that will take a lot of damage and will continue to do so for, at least, the next couple of seconds. If your target is not taking damage at a constant rate, be sure to cancel your Greater Heal halfway through if your target is still topped off, or nearly so. Then start casting your heal again. This is the case for most tanks, so spam your Greater Heal if you are healing your main tank.

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