screwed by mr cool!

Yesterday I saw the consultant who put my shoulder back together. Mr Cool (his real name! how cool is that!) is an amiable straight-talking Dutchman who tells it like it is. He sent me to get a new X-ray, then took a lot of time and trouble to explain to me what it showed, what I might expect, and what the next step was. I think it is incredible that there are people like Mr Cool who have the knowledge, experience and skill to cut us open, and fix us back together, when we come apart. Even more incredible, in our modern hi-tech age that they fix us back together with little more than screws and string!

Mr Cool gave me the go ahead to give my arm some light work, and I have been enjoying some firsts. Among today’s firsts I have done my trousers up, ate with a knife and fork at the same time, and held the phone to my right ear. Small steps, but progress.

At half-past six this morning I held a coat hanger as if it were handlebars, and imagined I was riding my bike. Still a way off yet, but best to practice eh?

One thought on “screwed by mr cool!

  1. ‘straight-talking Dutchman who tells it like it is’

    IMO that is one of their best traits.

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