Thursday Night Ride

The weather was good, the trails were dry, and we had a great night ride on thursday. The usual route with a few variations to celebrate the dryness of the trails. Got a very close look at badgers three times. The first time was on Kinver Edge, badger coming down the trail, Carla and I going up. Face to face meeting. Luckily for us the badger turned round and shot off into the bushes. In the second encounter, along Kinver lane, the badger ran across the road just in front of us. It’s no wonder they get killed by cars. No road sense at all!!! Our final badger encounter was along the lane that runs down toward Cookley. The badger was running along the road in the same direction that we were going. As we approached it was looking for an exit, but with high banks on either side there was none. Anyway, in panic the badger turned around and headed in our direction. We were sorry to have caused it stress, but thanks to all the badgers who made our ride so interesting. Finally we stopped for a second on the track through the equestrian centre. A quiet still night, the silence shattered by a horse nearby breaking wind. Made us jump. Can horses fart or what?

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