Some Corner of a Foreign Field

My week in France was great. Marcus and I worked hard on the jobs set for us by Mademoiselle Blanc but we still had enough time and energy to fit in a daily bike ride. There are so many quiet lanes and tracks to explore, and so much to see. It’s tough terrain, hardly any flat, but that’s good because you never know what you’ll find over the next crest, or around the next corner. One evening ride we came across eight wild boar! We know people who have lived in France for over two years, and never seen one, yet we saw eight all at once. They looked comical as they trotted off into the nearest woodland. They paused in the corner of the field to look back at us. I expect they see a lot of cyclists, in France.

Big Red Rando – Training and Sponsorship Update.

Over four hours non-stop on Wednesday! Chose a hilly route in and around the Severn Valley. The weather was showery to say the least, and I lost count of the number of times I got wet, and dried out. Did the last hour in the wet, arrived home tired and dripping. Reckon I covered about 60 miles.You see it could rain on the day of the Big Red Rando, so I might as well get used to the odd shower. Couldn’t beleive how tired I was. Maybe one banana wasn’t enough. Anyway, I’m off to France next week to get some miles in, I’ll keep you posted.

Carla hit her team mates at npower with the sponsorship form and raised another £30 bringing my total to £195.