Wyre Forest, is it the new Kinver?

Over the last few weeks Carla and I have ridden in Wyre Forest more than we ever have before. It’s a great place to ride, if you take the time to get to know it. We had a few duff rides at first, a few dead ends and mud fests, but after a while, and with the help of a certain Mick Arms, we started to find our way around. We’ve even started discovering some new tracks for ourselves.The great thing about Wyre Forest is the lack of cars and people. On a three hour ride on a Sunday morning we hardly see a soul, and in the depths of the forest it is so quiet that we find ourselves speaking in hushed tones so as not to disturb the tranquility.

At the moment, our usual favourite haunt Kinver is very overgrown, and very very busy. So, in the short-term it looks like Wyre is the new Kinver.