Wyre Forest yesterday

Rode in Wyre Forest yesterday, and it was perfect. The sun shone, the temperature was just right, the trails were in top condition, dry but not dusty, and it was so green, and the flowers, and the wildlife, and the riding, all just perfect; a perfect day.Carla and I rode deep into the heart of the forest where you hardly ever see another soul. We managed to get ourselves a bit lost. Just as we were working out the best route to take ‘man of the forest’ Mick Arms appeared, with his biking buddy Tim, and rescued us. We have not seen Mick since last summer, and as if by magic there he was, just when we needed him. Now, Mick’s knowledge of trails in the forest is almost legendary, and we were soon back on track.

In the blink of an eye

Two weeks holiday in France gone in the blink of an eye. One minute I was there, and the next I was back at work. All those tomorrows turned into yesterdays. All those planned routes ridden.

So that all the days would not merge into one fuzzy memory I kept a diary. This would let me relive our trip from the deep depression of my desk. Carla took it even worse than me. We have been back almost two weeks, and she’s still not back! Continue reading