Larkhill Enduro Training Day with Wyn Hughes & Daryl Bolter

The cold bright frosty weather was replaced with rain that didn’t stop all day.
The temperature rose, and the ground thawed. Fears that the event would have to be cancelled gone. Arriving at the Larkhill military base is an experience in itself. You may not approach with headlights on, you will park up, and you will go into the guard house, past the armed soldiers, where you will be checked in. At least the van should be safe. 🙂

There were just over twenty riders, split into two groups, I opted for the easier group, as did Legzakimbo (the only woman there), and we headed off toward the flat grass test area. I never knew riding around a flat scrubland area could be so hard, need so much skill, and be so much fun. After 5 laps warm up we had all worked up a good sweat, and shown Wyn our skills… Continue reading