Lovely old Strat…

The Marshall MG15 practice amp wasn’t seeing much action since I got my Marshall Class 5, so I put it up for sale. Had a phone call about it, and told the gent to bring a guitar with him if he wanted to come and try it. So he did. This one…

As soon as he took it out of the case I recognised it as a 70s Strat. The large headstock, bullet trus rod, string trees, and three bolt neck. It was just like the one I bought from Rock Bottom in Croyden in the late 70s. I asked about it..

A 1974 Strat. Three way pickup selector switch. In fabulous condition for it’s age. Still had the original bridge cover in place. The owners friend had bought it new, then sold it to him one year later. He’d had it ever since. Sad part is that although he’d played it in lots of bands he doesn’t play anymore. Good part is that his rather lovely teenage daughter is taking up guitar and she gets to play it. She’s the one he’s buying the amp for, so she can practice at home. I hope she realises how lucky she is. With such a Strat and a Marshall you could go a long way.

Bon Noël a tous….

I hope all is going well for you. Fully Christmassed up, stuffed and looking forward to the Queen’s message….as is tradition….and, as is tradition I went for my usual Christmas Day ride. Just a couple of hours to build up an appetite. Carla came with me for the first hour. I did the second hour on my own. Cold, but sunny, with a biting North wind. I stayed on the trails close to home chosing the hardest going to keep warm. The ground was frozen, but not solid, more crusty, which was interesting/sketchy/fun. I rode Big Bird. She was great. So comfy.

It was a really nice ride. Just what I wanted. Hardly saw a soul about…..and all those geese at the farm by Troupen… all gone!!! Bon apetite! Bon Noël! Merry Christmas! 😉