I’m lovin’ the snow – epic fail

I’ve been enjoying the snow and freezing temperatures. Riding in the snow can be great fun if you are properly prepared. You know, plenty of thin wicking layers, double socks, over shoes, skull cap, buff, double gloves – a thin pair under a thicker pair, and spare gloves in a rucksack. Talking of the rucksack I’m carrying spare gloves, a spare undershirt, foil blanket, all that on top of the usual tools and spares. I’m also carrying some spare food, and a moby. Plus i’ve detailed my route to Carla and I’m sticking to it. See, I’m riding on my own. It’s highly unlikely that I’ll see anyone. If I have a problem it could so easily turn into something serious in the sub zero temperatures. So i’m using my head and adopting some mountaineering thinking. But – EPIC FAIL!!! I forgot to put my helmet on!!!

I carefully donned all my kit, and sped off for a couple of hour around the forest. It was fanatsic. Most of the trails were virgin snow just deer tracks, and tracks left by other small animals and birds. I’m hammering along thinking that even if I do go down it will be OK because I’ll slide and be unhurt.

I arrive back at home feeling great. On a natural high. Calm, serene, all stress and aggression removed. I reach up to unbuckle my lid!!! Doh!!!