Funky Mamma in E

The bass player in the funk band that I play with found this rhythmic displacement line on a youtube channel called ‘studio jams’. He’s been driving us mad with it ever since. Thing is, when the guys on YT play it they speed up slightly, making it very hard to get just right. I decided to see if I could put it together ‘straight’. Here’s the result…..

Thanks to Tim Bragg for the flute, Andy ‘SupaWal’ Bennett for the drums, and Serge Bardot for the bass. I played the guitar and keyboards parts. It was fun! 🙂

Benbros Album released today!

Here it is, as promised! This morning the release of the very first Benbros album. Today also marks the birthday of my brother Supawal, and the 10th anniversary of Carla and I moving to France! You can download a selection of tracks from our album for free this morning at the link below. Wishing you all a fabulous day.

A taster!

With the release of our first album “Friday’s Child”, just over a week away, we’ve been asked what sort of shizz is it? Here is a taster of type of shizz it iz! This track will give you the idea, and although it won’t appear on the album you can download it for free! Please give us a like, share it, and leave a comment.
Thanks 🙂

Still gigging like a good ‘un….

Last Thursday we played Devant Les Halles in Anguoleme city centre (Outside the Blues Rock Cafe. It was ‘Madame Blanc and Friends’…..a ‘put together just for the gig’ band…we had great ‘no rehearsal fly by seat of pants’ fun, and a few strong beers! 🙂
madame blanc and friends

Saturday was a private party with Jazz a la Carte. A very different night, though still great fun. We played from 8pm until midnight with a 30 minute break! A real workout!

…..and still to come in September, a solar powered gig, and a gig at a nudist camp! I kid you not! 🙂

Here’s the details…
16th September, Friday 8pm, La Caverne 14 rue Montebe?lo 86500 Montmorillon.
17th September, Saturday 8pm, Auberge du Noyer, La Brousse, Londigny 16700.
20th September, Tuesday 8pm, Camping Creuse Nature, Route de Betete, Boussac 23600.
24th September, Saturday, Private party. Solar Power!

Stay in Bed

Here is a cover version of Jess Roden’s ‘Stay in Bed’. Recorded here in France, one late night in August. Madame Blanc on vocals, Andrew ‘Supawal’ Bennet on drums, Serge Baudot on bass, me on guitars. If you like it, please comment and share it……

A visit from Supawal

Supawal my brother was over for a visit last weekend. We had a great weekend. No cycling, but plenty of beer and music. Here’s a couple of compositions that we put together….I hope you like them.

Funk 15, from an original idea by Supawal with Tim Bragg on Flute, and Serge Baudot on Bass….

F NIK2 with Supawal on Drums, Dave Purple on harmonica and bottleneck guitar. From and original idea by stratobiker :-)….