James Williams Motorcycle Trial Challenge

James trial the day after boxing day. The third and final round of the Pearce Cycles Champion of Champions 2006. I’m showing 1st on the leader board, but I have no trials bike to ride, and this leaves 2nd placed Gary clear to snatch the title.

Looking well set for a clear section!!!Following a frantic google search, and a few phone calls… got to say a mighty thanks to Mark at BVM in Stroud. Not only did he sort me out with a bike, but his mechanics spent some time with me setting it up, and making sure I was happy with it. Thanks Guys. Very Happy.

Also must thank Main Motorcycle Man, and Top Trials Tutor James Williams from Pearce Cycles for a full day of intensive tuition to try and get me in shape. Cheers James. Very Happy.

Last time I rode a trial it was on a Villiers 197, and I was 14!!! This time I was on a Beta Rev3. What a great bike, a joy to ride. I couldn’t believe how much grip could be had from a trials tyre at 3psi. Anyway, I finished second out of four riders in the novice class. But, and here’s the important bit…. I finished ahead of my mate Gary, and this was enough to make me the Champion of Champion 2006!!!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy!!!

All the riders

…and a big thanks to all the riders who made it so much fun… to James dad who let us us his farm as a venue, and James mum who sorted out some fantastic shepherds pie for lunch.

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