My First Real Break…

My first real break - Puxton
Yep, it was my first real break, I was fourteen at the time, crashed my bike! Some things don’t change eh? Anyway, actually, it was a motorbike, a scrambler, a 250 Cotton works frame with leading-link forks around a 250cc Villiers engine. I used to thrash about on it over Puxton which was an old gravel pit.

We used to time each other around a circuit. On this particular day I was going like a nutter, got slightly more airborne than I should have, and stacked it. Broke my right wrist, easy diagnosis as I could see it was broke. After a few weeks in plaster the doctors decided it wasn’t healing so they were gonna plate it. I spent the next few weeks with my arm in plaster up past my elbow. Now, here’s the funny, strange but true bit…… because I couldn’t bend my elbow I couldn’t wipe my bum! Couldn’t reach see, so had to teach myself to wipe left handed. To this day, as a right-handed person I still wipe left-handed! 🙂 Can you imagine what a stroke of luck that was when years later I broke my right shoulder?

Talking of years later, Puxton got built on, the playground of my youth gone forever.

6 thoughts on “My First Real Break…

  1. At a motorbike enduro,a few years ago in Thetford forest, a friend went over the handlebars, the trend back then especially at the Thetford round, was to have bark busters around the grips to protect your hands from impact on trees, jimmy got his hands stuck and broke both his wrists,he could not wipe anything and soon found out who his friends were.

  2. haha, my first bicycle related broken bone was when I was 5, first day of school summer holidays I went over the handlebars and hit a car, spent the summer with my jaw wired up, lol!

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