Turning a corner…

Been back on my bike a couple of weeks now. Legs are fine, but back shoulders and brain are struggling. Been going out regularly, but it just feels like a chore, no enjoyment. Did three hours with the ROCC boys on wednesday afternoon, first two were OK, but after that it was agony, I was glad when it was over. Then Carla has been taking me out and giving me a pasting. Last time we went I was just hanging on to her wheel down the main road from Cognac, just staring at her block. It was a lovely sunny day, but I just wasn’t there. But, I keep taking the nasty training medicine sure that things will get better…….

Then, last night, went for a couple of hours up to the forest above Cognac, it was like I was riding a magic bike. Hardly pressing on the pedals but flying along. Taking it a bit easy over the roughest stuff, but having a blast. Carla couldn’t believe the transformation. Nor could I really. Maybe turning a corner.

2 thoughts on “Turning a corner…

  1. Hi, just got back from a week at Domfront riding the vtt trails,and it was great to be back in France really good trails around the region, nice to see your back in training, the rides after a injury allways feel like puncture rides so slow you keep checking if you have one, then you get the dancing on the pedals ride and it all feels great, i am looking forward to one of those in a few days after 8 days in a row of rides my legs feel terrible but i know next weekend will be great, good luck with the magic legs on your recovery

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