il pleut

Tell you what, when it rains in the Limousin it rains for the world. We are on our third day of rain now, and no end in sight. None of that mamby pamby pishy stuff either, no proper downpour.

Take yesterday for example. I was so desperate to get out on my bike that when the rain stopped for a while and blue sky appeared I changed and was away. The roads were still wet, but I didn’t mind, just glad to be out on my bike. All went well, even ventured off-road, started to enjoy myself, didn’t notice the huge black clouds creeping up on me.

Five minutes later the rain started, light rain at first, but then heavier and heavier, and just when you thought it couldn’t rain any harder it turned to hail, and it hurt! With nowhere to stop for shelter, I paddled (might as well have been) on. Half an hour later I was back indoors stripping off sopping wet kit, and feeling very cold. Half an hour later again, the sun had come out to mock me.

Today, guess what? It’s raining! But then, I’d rather be riding my bike in the rain than working 🙂

Training goin’ well

Training has been going well, very well. I’ve found some great trails to ride, and the more I go out, the more I find. See, I’ll set off with the loose intention of going to Cognac le Foret, and end up never getting there because I got tempted by stuff along the way. I’ll come home with three good hours under my belt having the planned Cagnet ride in my back-pocket for another day. Cool or what?

Of course it’s not all fun and cycling. I’ve been working on the problem of bathroom waste water not draining as it should. I’ll do that as a separate post with a food warning!

A lazy Limousin day

migrating birds

Just like as if someone had flicked a switch, spring has arrived in the Limousin. The birds are singing, butterflies have appeared, and great flocks of migrating birds have been passing over.

I set off for a recovery ride through the local lanes wearing legwarmers, and a lightweight jacket. Had to stop after about 10 minutes to take my gloves off, it was that warm!!! As I bowled along in the early spring sunshine on deserted roads I felt fantastic. Anyway, I stuck to the game plan, and only did a couple of hours easy riding. When I got back, I sat on the patio and sunbathed while I watched the grass grow. 🙂

Spring Training Camp

Let myself go a bit towards the end of last season. Actually, bit of self-denial there, I should say, over the last two years, since I stopped racing. I’m now 10lbs over my racing weight. Yes, I know, some of you lard buckets would love to be just 10lb too heavy. Anyway, enough, I’ve packed myself off on a training camp in France, the Limousin to be exact. I plan on getting some miles in ready for my assault on the South Downs Way in May.

Been here a week now, and the weather has been awful. Some days it has rained all day. On thursday I did two and a half hours during which I get soaked and dried out twice! The rain stopped yesterday, but it was very very cold. I got out early, on tired legs, and after half an hour I was so cold and tired I wanted to call it a day, but then I found a nice track through a forest, the sun came out, I ate half a chewy bar, and my spirits lifted. Three hour later I was sat on the patio in the early afternoon sun, enjoying a well earned cup of tea. 🙂