Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club Special…

Yeah! The Jazz n Blues club I started continues to go from strength to strength. So…we are organising a Jazz n Blues Special on Sunday the 9th November at La Ferme St Michel in Confolens. We have a some fabulous musicians coming to take part including Norrie ‘Snakebite’ Burnett (Blues Shouter), and Bobbie Dirninger (fresh from the Montreux jazz festival). We also have seasoned pro’s Lynn Garner and Brad Lang, as well as Birthrite’s drummer Ron Draper who’s flying in from the UK just to take part. It is gonna be a special day!


T-Sirts available for 10 euros! They look like this….

Jazz n Blues T-Shirt

If you are anywhere near Confolens 16500 on the 9th November and you are a Jazz and Blues fan. Don’t miss this! This will be a truly hip hang, dig?

Entrée libre (restauration sur place toute la soirée – pas de reservation necessaire)

Dimanche 9 Nov à 17:00 heures, nous accueillons le fameux Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club (organisé par Steve Bennett) au La Ferme St Michel, Confolens 16500.

Le jazz club est ouvert à tous, ce concept réunit des musiciens de tous horizons ; le but est de jouer ensemble, apprendre les uns des autres, échanger autour d’une même passion. Les morceaux joués pendant la séance sont improvisés.

Il faut le voir pour le croire ! Chaque performance du jazz club est étonnante, leur public les suit où qu’ils se produisent, c’est une expérience à ne pas manquer ! Si vous voulez vous joindre à eux, tenter votre chance et amener votre instrument ou simplement les regarder en sirotant un apéritif au bar, n’hésitez pas ! Ambiance garantie !

Jazz n Blues Club – April = wow!

Bennetti’s Jazz n Blues Club (so named to honour my famous Italian jazz violinist grandad Stephano Bennetti) goes from strength to strength!!! The April session at Le Soleil Couchant was packed with musos and supporters alike. It was a real club atmosphere and all due reverence was given to the music – Not! When was the last time you were at a Jazz club and people banged on the tables shouting for more?

As usual, we were lucky to have ace pro’ photographer Ian Wilson on hand to capture the ‘ambiance’. Here’s Francis, our main man on the Trumpet. Click the picture to see the full set…..
Francis our main trumpet dude!

There were 15 guest musos who got up to join the house band at some point or other. It really was a night to remember, and I spent the most part of the following day writing to everyone to took part to say THANK YOU!

I’ve already started working on the ‘hit list’ for next month….after the last minute stress of April!!! So, if you are looking for some Jazz and Blues action in the Haute Vienne, then we’re at the Golf de Saint Junien on the 29th May. All musicians welcome, but if you want to be sure that you’ll get to play contact me so I can pencil you in.

Here’s the skinny, in French!

Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club – Jeudi 29 mai à 20 heures
Entrée libre (dîner possible dans le restaurant)

jazz blues club MayJeudi 29 mai à 20 heures, nous accueillons le fameux Bennetti’s Jazz Blues Club (organisé par Steve Bennett) au club house du golf.

Le jazz club est ouvert à tous, ce concept réunit des musiciens de tous horizons ; le but est de jouer ensemble, apprendre les uns des autres, échanger autour d’une même passion. Les morceaux joués pendant la séance sont improvisés.

Il faut le voir pour le croire ! Chaque performance du jazz club est étonnante, leur public les suit où qu’ils se produisent, c’est une expérience à ne pas manquer ! Si vous voulez vous joindre à eux, tenter votre chance et amener votre instrument ou simplement les regarder en sirotant un apéritif au bar, n’hésitez pas ! Ambiance garantie !

Réservez une table « VIP » et dîner tout en profitant du spectacle. Réservez-vous aujourd’hui :

Tél.: / Email :

Jazz n Blues Club Programme 2014

Yeah, I know, bangin’ on about the Jazz n Blues Club again! Yeah, but it’s got to be done, it’s going so well, and people keep asking me, “where, when?”. So, I put together a flyer, got 500 printed, and started putting them in all the likely places. Here’s an online version just for you…
Bennetti's Jazz n Blues Club - dates 2014

Bennetti’s Jazz n Blues Club was one year old at our last meeting. The place was packed as usual, and we had a really great night. I had no idea when I started this last February that it would go so well, and become so popular. We’ve had close on 50 musicians play with us at some point through the year with ages ranging from 13 to mid 60s. New friendships have been formed, new musical projects have been started, and I’ve seen players grow in stature and confidence. It really has been an amazing year, and there’s no sign of it letting up either. I’m still getting new musos contacting me, wanting to come along and get involved. Long may it continue. I am really looking forward to those summer evening sessions.

Finally, the SEO bit….
If you are looking for some Jazz and Blues action in the Haute Vienne, Charente area of France, then Bennetti’s Jazz n Blues Club could be the place for you. We meet on the last Thursday of each month. All players of all abilities are very welcome, all I ask is that you contact me first so that I can fit you in where you’ll be happiest. Bennetti’s Jazz n Blues Club is primarily for musicians, our aim is, “to create a warm loving environment in which like minded musicians can meet, play, share, grow, and get hip!”, having said that, all fans of jazz n blues are welcome.

See ya down the line 🙂

Jazz n Blues Club update

I’m taking the Jazz n Blues club on holiday! It’s gorra be done! Fristly because it’s summer, and I want to go to the beach! Secondly, because there is a series of concerts being staged on the streets in Saint Junien during July and August, and I don’t want to detract from them.

In July we’ll be visiting Le Soleil Couchant, right next to one of the Lacs de Charente. There’s beaches, swimming, sailing, and us! 🙂 Le Soleil Couchant do great Fish’n’Chips btw!!!

In August we’ll be jazzing it up at Golf de Saint Junien. It’s a super posh place, a great venue to play. Yeah, so we’ll be jazzing it up with the swingers!!! 🙂

Jazz Club update – May 25th meet.


Thursday’s Jazz n Blues club session in St Junien was superb! Possibly the best one yet! We really are starting to gain momentum with this. Players coming from over an hour away to check us out! The place was packed, and there was such a friendly atmosphere. We are also getting a good mix of French and Ex-pats coming together to share and enjoy their music.

There were many high points that night, but one of the best was when a young French lad got up to play drums. He was very nervous, but he carried it off with great style, and encouragement from pro’ drummer Tim Bragg. Other highlights were a jazz version of Hey Joe featuring Tezzah, and dancing! Not the sort of thing you normally associate with a jazz club.

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s a short video (more vids here)…

There are also some fabulous photos from the night taken by ace photographer Ian Wilson. You’ll find them here -> PHOTOS JAZZ N BLUES CLUB MAY 25TH

Young Nico makes his jazz debut…

Next meeting will be June 27th. If you are in the Saint Junien area why not come along? If you want to play please contact me first.
