La Meuzacoise VTT Rando – say Moooooooooozac!

La Meuzacoise VTT RandoMy first proper ride in almost two weeks, I’m still a bit snotty, and hacking up the ocassional frog, but I’m over the worst, and looking for a good workout.

We arrive with minutes to spare before the 08:30 depart. I spy Davey Baborier and his brother Charley (Departmental junior cyclo-cross champion) just about to go. I give them a shout. They tell me to hurry up, they’ll wait for me. This is good ‘cos Davey likes to ride quick………… and we’re off…..

Like dogs let off a leash Davey (19yrs), and his bro’ Charley (17yrs), ride rapid. I’m just hanging on, feeling a little breathless. We’re chasing through the backmarkers in no time, and by the time we reach the first ravitalment they’re only just setting up. A quick drink and we’re away. We’ve picked up a rider from the Ambazac Sprinter Club, I don’t know who he is, but he rides well, so now there’s four of us racing along.

Each time the pace slows a little someone goes to the front to lift it. We’re haring through a forest section on a roller coaster trail, there’s big puddles and stream crossings, sharp twists and turns, Charley is on the front. There’s a river crossing, Charley hammers in, literally! He goes over the bars and right into the freezing cold water! No, right in, fully submerged. I bet that’s refreshing 🙂 I spot the footbridge to the right and take that. It takes a couple of minutes for Charley to rescue his bike and wring his gloves out, and we’re on our way.
Charley likes deep water
Up a rocky trail, now Davey is on the front, pushing the pace, his rear wheel slips on the damp rocks. “Trop puissance”, I joke. I can hear Davey breathing hard, I go to the front and push on. I turn the wick up, I want to see how well I’m going. I open up a little gap, I push on hard, a sneaky look back, I’m 30 seconds clear. I ride very hard for about 5 kms then I ease up. There’s a nice little spot, in the sun, with a view, I stop and wait. The Ambazac rider arrives almost straight away, but there’s no sign of the brothers. Charley is next to arrive, and says that Davey has broke his chain. Yep, trop puissance!

Davey arrives, chain mended and we continue. A road sign tells us that we’re close to Meuzac, it can’t be far to the finish now. Davey lifts the pace. We’re in the outskirts of the town and the run-in is a retour of the depart. Davey sprints, I’m still hanging on, feeling a little breathless. Merci pour l’entraînement mes amis. 🙂

4 thoughts on “La Meuzacoise VTT Rando – say Moooooooooozac!

  1. sounds like i’m not the only one who likes diving in for a good swim! hope charley’s forks are straight though…

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