Very very wet!

Today was the last of the planned training rides from Pearce Cycles, and what a wet day. Only three of us turned up, there would have been four, but Carla, who hadn’t missed one so far, was struck down with a bad case of the trots, and couldn’t afford to be too far away from the loo. It rained so much, and it was so mucky she needn’t have worried, ‘cos the rain would have washed it off, uuurrggh! ;-).Anyway, wet it was, but cold it was not, and we had a great two hour ride in the pouring rain. I rode a Santa Cruz Superlight! Very expensive test bike!

Happy Birthday Carla

Carla, my lover, friend, life-partner, significant other, training partner, co-driver, manager, consultant, massuese, celebrates her birthday today. Now what do you get a beautiful woman in the prime of her life for her birthday? Well, ‘plan A’ fell through because the thing I ordered, which has to come halfway around the world, won’t be here until next week. Why didn’t I order it earlier? Because that was not possible, it didn’t exist before I ordered it, there was no way to order it earlier than I did. I suppose I could save it for a Valentines Day gift.

Anyway, ‘plan B’ ain’t so bad. I’ll go to the lingerie shop and buy her some nice underwear. Add a bottle of champers, a bar of chocolate, and some effort to let her know how much I love her, what more could a girl want?

Six months down the line

It’s now six months since a spontaneous random dismount (crash) from my mountainbike left me with a badly broken shoulder. I remember lying on the ground next to my bike. I knew I had broken something ‘cos your arm just cannot go where mine had just been. I remember cursing, that I would be in plaster for six weeks, which is the usual amount of time it takes for a break to heal. Later when I arrived at hospital, they told me that I had dislocated it. Great, I thought, pop it back in, and away we go. But they went on to explain to me that it was very badly broken as well, and would never be the same again!… Continue reading

4 day weekend imminent

Friday is fast approaching, and I have a four day weekend too look forward to (fri/sat/sun/mon). That means a fest of biking, boozing, and more biking. I’ve got it all planned out, 3hrs around the lanes and Kinver Tommorrow, 3hrs off-road at Ludlow on Saturday, 3hrs somewhere good on Sunday, then a couple of hours over Kinver on Monday.

That’s the plan, but I also have a physio session on Monday with the lovely Miss Hesketh for my ‘still recovering’ shoulder, which could leave me a little sore. Then I have an appointment with my consultant Mr Cool, for the same injury, that might leave me sore, and depressed. Still, that’s Monday and I’ll have had the best part of my long weekend by then.

Thursday lunchtime now, and I’m wishing my life away like a little kid. Roll on tonight, let the partying begin!