Back in training proper…

Fed up, frustrated, fat and getting fatter, I grabbed my race bike and headed out…
The gentle rides i’ve been doing showed no ill effects so i decided it was time to make some effort. I was gonna go on Big Bird, but she didn’t have a bottle cage on, and I was to damn grumpy to fit one.

On the climb up to L’Age I pushed the big gear I usually push. I was gasping for air as I passed through the village. On towards the pavé that leads towards St Auvent, 15 metres of pavé ridden I turned back and stayed with the tarmac, sensible for once. On to the chemin that leads up to Cognac le Forét, 20 mins done, I’m uncomfortable and my back is starting to ache.

A quick pause to take in the view at the radio mast above Roussis, then down to Cognac itself. Next, I just hammer back along the main road. I feel sick, fat, my back aches, my shoulders ache, every few minutes I have to sit up and stretch, but it’s great. Driving hard down the last few kms seeing how long I can hold top gear.

Only an hour and a half, but it’s a start, and I feel so much better. There’s some big events coming up in September and I really really want to do them. Daft innit? 😉

Maybe I shouldn’t but I did……

first ride again
First ride back after an injury is always a blissfully painful experience! But, just one day short of six weeks I’m back on the trails! I’m not actually supposed to be riding yet, but with the Revs on the Mule wound all the way up to 130mm and set soft I figured it was just as comfy as the turbo and a lot less boring even if I only rode up and down the lane.

Of course I didn’t ride up and down the lane, I rode down to Rochechouart. It was a lovely sunny day, just right for rolling easy and enjoying the ride. Yeah, but I didn’t do that ‘cos I wanted a work-out. So, once the initial shock to the system had gone I rode fairly briskly. It was just great to be back.

After 20 minutes I started to get back ache, shoulder ache, and was a little uncomfy. Only to be expected. After a brief rest in town, I stormed gently back along the Biennac road before sprinting gingerley up out of L’Age for a well earned cuppa. Just one blissful slightly painful hour on the clock.

I’m not supposed to be out on my bike just yet. At my last visit to the Hospital in St Junien I had a new X-ray taken, including one of my chest. The consultant confirmed that I had in fact broken three ribs! No wonder it had been so damn painful. He told me that my collarbone was joined, but that the join would be ‘soft’, I should begin to use it normally, but nothing strenous. Maybe wait another couple of weeks before riding. When I asked him about mountainbiking he just shook his head and laughed (whatever that means). 🙂

I know I shouldn’t but I did……

My KH400 at the Chateau in Rochechouart
While i’ve been waiting for shoulder to recover i’ve been fettling my motorbike, the last thing I was waiting for was a new set of plugs, and they arrived today. I popped them in, and fired her up, 2nd kick. Ticked over beautiful, dead even and smooth…… I know I shouldn’t have, but I just couldn’t stop myself. Grabbed my helmet and went for a blast.

I rode a loop that brought me back up the main road from Chalus to Rochechouart, a road created specifically for hustling a two-stroke along i’m sure. Hardly straight for kilmometres with lovely winding bends on a super smooth surface that gets you working the motor, rowing the top three gears, and havin’ a blast. I stopped briefly at the Chateau to check for leaks, and problems, there were none. I razzed home.

I have told yer ’bout my new/old motorbike haven’t I? I will. 🙂