Yesterday was different…

When I go on training rides with my friend Cyril he insists that we sprint for village signs (panneau). He always beats me, he always rubs it in, calls me his “Papi” (grandad!). But yesterday was different! Oh yes. Yesterday was very different. Ha ha ha!!!!

Hey, did I tell ya ’bout when I go on training rides with Cyril??!!! 😉

Fifty Bleedin’ Five!

I can hardly believe it. I’m fifty five years old. Fifty bleedin five! How did that happen? Bear with me while I go off on one for a second will ya? I remember sitting at my desk at school, I’d just become a teenager. I was working out what year I would be twenty one, and how old I would be in the year two thousand. I remember thinking how “old” twenty one would be, and couldn’t begin to imagine how elderley a Y2K forty five year old would be……and now I’m fifty bleedin’ five!

To make up for it, I had one helluva weekend. I played three gigs with Downright Liberty. Great fun, though just to harp on a bit more about my age, I find it quite bizarre to play punk on my pink paisley strat and see all these pogoing old blokes mouthing the words back at me. 😉

So on my birthday? Had a leisurely breakfast then loaded the bikes in the van and went to the wonderous, mythical, Monts de Blond. Spent the afternoon riding my favourite trails with my wonderful wife. The weather was fabulous, and as usual, the Monts de Blond were just beautiful.

On the way home we stopped off at the Supermarche and got something nice for dinner. Dinner was served on the patio, and we shared a drink or two until long after the sun had set. A peaceful end to a lovely day. Thanks Carla, my lover. xxx


Team Dave’s mission….

Remember a little while back I was telling you about my buddy James, and his Land’s End to John O Groats ride? Well. he mentioned that the euphoria and sense of achievement was somewhat marred by the fact that when you arrive at John O Groats there’s only you and your team there. All your supporters and friends are back home, and to get back home you have to climb in a vehicle for the 8 hour drive.

Team Dave banner

Now, Dave Price (James’ cousin – also a compulsive cyclist), and Dave Lewis (yet another Pearce Cycles Dave aka Sparky Dave), fancied having a go at the LeJog, unsupported…….. and were discussing James’ comment when they had this lateral thinking brainwave. They both live close to the LeJog route, so why not ride to Lands End, then ride to John O Groats, then ride home! Effectively doing the length of the country twice, unsupported, and ending their ride as homecoming heroes on their own doorstep. What a genius idea! Plus try as they might, they couldn’t think of a single reason why they shouldn’t do it!!! So they are….

Starting Sept 11th 2010, Team Dave will cycle the length of the UK twice unsupported in 20 days, covering approximately 2000 miles, raising money for Air Ambulance.

You can follow their progress on the Team Dave website. I urge you to support them by sponsoring them here, or here. It’ll raise their spirits, and drive them on. I mean like, c’mon, 2000 in 20 days, that’s 100 miles a day for 20 days!!! That’s awesome! What a schedule.

Bon Courage Team Dave. Good Luck for tomorrow, and the next 19 days. We’ll all be willing you on.
