Crossing Over – Tim Bragg – Album review

Local musician and writer Tim Bragg has a new album out. Here’s what I made of it….

Crossing Over - Tim Bragg

There is a way, the way of no way, in which all ways are contained, but no way is followed.

What is Crossing Over? A threshold, a transformation, a one way journey that can never be made again? Is it jazz, rock, ambient, happy, sad? Yes, all of those, but none specifically!

Tim Bragg is a talented multi-instrumentalist who sings, composes, and writes books! So, is he like a drummer who plays flute, or a flautist who plays drums? Is he a writer who plays, or a player who writes? Yes he’s all of those, but not one specifically!

In Crossing Over Tim presents us with a dense mesh of musical influences. Here we find him uncoupled from musical trends. There are jazz elements, there are rock elements. Tim teases, pushes, pulls, weaves….It’s a pure sonic experience that takes you through the streets, over the mountains and beyond, towards the light and heavenly plains, and asks whether you’ll be waiting, on the other side. It is a musical journey that can be taken again and again, and the destination will be different.

It’s impossible to pick ‘stand out’ tracks as each one is so rich, and textural. But, if I had to single out a couple I’d choose ‘Streets’, I just love the strong groove on this, and ‘Heavenly Plains’, those opening flute lines just shoot straight through me.

If you are familiar with Tim’s work you will love this album even though it is different from everything that went before. If you’ve never heard Tim before I urge you to take a listen. This is an album that will cast a spell on you, the spell only being broken by the realisation that you were under its spell. Let the master lead you along the way of no way, Crossing Over.

Buy Crossing over here in UK, or here in France.

This is the second album I’ve bought of Tim Braggs, the first was “Revamped” , which I love! Crossing Over is brilliant but completely different , it’s relaxing , and totally mood lifting. If you’ve had a bad day this will certainly help. The music equivalent of a great Yoga practice! Love it! ….Roxanne Sutton


In with the in crowd….at last!

Our band, The Sugaree Band, are one of the bands who’ve been selected to play in the series of concerts put on by the town of Saint Junien here in the Haute Vienne. We are really excited about this. It’s been hard work to get this, but at last, we are in with the in crowd.

We had to submit our ‘Press Kit’ months back. We’ve had to fill in endless forms, form an association, register it, provide all sorts of information, who’s shirts we wear, what brand of beer we like!! 😉 But we’ve done it! Here’s the proof…8th August…that’s us —>>>

comme un effet de l'art scene

Saint Junien, 87, Comme un Effet de L’Art Scene….Concerts musique, chaque jeudi soir pendant l’été dans le centre ville.


Thriving music scene in France…

The weather here in France this spring has been a “cat’s arse trophy!” (say it quick). It’s been so cold and wet. In fact right now it’s pishing down and only 10 degrees C, and we are almost in June!!!
So I’ve been doing a lot more rock’n’roll that I have cycling. There’s a rampant music scene here in our part of central France, and over the next few months I’d like to share some of it with you.

With that in mind, I’ve changed all my header pictures and installed a calendar plug-in. I’ll try to keep you up-to-date with what’s occurin’….just in case you fancy coming along and checking any of it out.

Next thing for me personally in the Jazz n Blues club in St Junien tonight. It’s been going from strength to strength since we started it in Feb. Tonight promises to be another great night. We are getting a good mix of French and ex-pats coming along. It’s just great to see everyone getting ‘hip’ together and enjoying themselves.

Here’s the poster y’all…

jazz club poster

In the meantime, my band The Sugaree Band had a storming gig at the Giac’s Bar in St Junien last Saturday. Ace pro’ photographer Ian Wilson came along and took some superb pictures.

Carla shakes em

Many more here.

If you want to hear a clip of us playing there’s one on you tube here…


Jazz Club update

“How did the first Jazz Club meeting go?!”, I hear you ask! 🙂

Well, it went very well, better than I hoped! There were eleven musos who played at some point during the evening. Two drummers, two bassists, four guitarists, sax, harmonica, flute, keyboards and three singers. Some of them played more than one thing.

A couple of the songs fell on their face and sounded awful, but for the most part, considering most of us had never met, let alone played together, it was good. It wasn’t meant to be some kind of polished performance, it was meant to be for musicians to get together and have some fun, and that’s what they did. So when the end of Moondance went pear-shaped it didn’t matter, it was good, because every muso involved was grinning from ear to ear!

I was so pleased that it went well. I’d put quite a lot of work in, and in a way, I was glad to get the first one over and done. The enthusiasm was such that it’s now going to be a regular thing, on the last Thursday of each month. So without further ado, here’s the poster -> -> ->

Jazz Club 28 march

So, that’s, Jazz and Blues at the Giac’s Bar in Saint Junien (87 – Haute Vienne) on 28th March.


I’m starting a Jazz club!!!

If someone had said to me, “you’ll move to France and start a Jazz Club”, I would have laughed in their face…….. But, I did, and I am! I’m starting a Jazz’n’Blues club! It’s something i’ve been thinking about for quite a while, and I finally got around to it. I contacted the Giac’s Bar in St Junien and asked if I could use their bar as a home! Next I put a call for musos on facebook, and voila! it’s happening! First meeting on 28th February. If it works it’ll then be the last Thursday each month.

Why am I doing it? Well, because I want to create a warm loving environment in which like minded musicians can meet, play, share, grow, and get hip! 😉 Nah, it because I thought it would be fun. There’s nothing else like it going on nearby. Seems to me there’s a lot of very experienced musos not playing, and something like this might get them out. I’m hoping I can learn from them too!

Here’s the skinny from the page I put up on…..

We’ll aim to meet up on the last thursday of each month. Initially,
until we get things established, a list of songs for the session
will be posted by me well in advance. This gives those wishing to
take part a chance to brush up on them. We want people to feel comfortable,
so, no surprises – please don’t just turn up and ask to play something
that isn’t on the list. This may make people uncomfortable, and
while ‘outside the comfort zone’ is often where the magic happens
we don’t want to put people on the spot or embarras them.

Here’s the list for this month…

Moondance – Am

Autumn Leaves – G

Blue Bossa – Eb

Carnival/Black Orpheus – C
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy – Bb

Tell Me All About it – Bm Blues with a Feeling – 12 bar in G

Juke – 12 bar in E

Funk Groove 1 – Am

Funk Groove 2 – Em
If you want to play you must contact me in advance so that I can
plan the session. My aim being to give a little continuity to the

We’ll start the evening around 8pm with a couple of numbers from
the ‘house band’. Then I’ll invite people to get up and play. Think
of it as more of a ‘sit in’ session rather than a ‘jam session’.

There will be a PA with at least two mics, Guitar and Bass amps,
keyboards, and drums. Guitarists and bassists – you’ll need to bring
your own instrument and lead.

The venue is the Giacs Bar – 15 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 87200
Saint-Junien. It’s a super nice bar, and they have a great courtyard
that would be fantastic for summer night jazz!

The Sugaree Band

Some of you, most of you, probably know me as a cyclist, but actually, I’ve been playing guitar longer than I’ve been riding a bike! I first picked up the guitar when I was a teenager recovering from a motorcycle crash! I didn’t start competitive cycling until some years later.

I’ve played in all sorts of bands over the years. I love playing guitar, and I think guitars and cycling go well together. Since I moved to France, and I’ve had a little more spare time I’ve been playing more. I’ve always been in other peoples bands up until now, and while that’s great, sometimes you don’t get to play the stuff you really want to play. Also, when I’ve played. friends have told me that they didn’t realise I was into this or that or whatever when really I’m not, I’m just playing the bands material – I rarely get to play as ‘me’!!!! I hope that makes sense.

So, I finally started my own band, “The Sugaree Band”. We play an eclectic mix of anything that takes our fancy, and anything that suits my 70s based Strat spanking style. From Hendrix to Anita Ward! Yeah! We do “Ring my Bell”, the old disco classic!

We are a three piece, drums, bass, guitar, plus singer. You’ll never guess who the singer is! Actually, you probably will. The thing I really love about the ‘power trio‘ line up is that everyone must hold up their corner. There’s nowhere to hide. It’s honest, raw, earthy. It can make a grown man cry, and a young woman go weak at the knees – goin’ off on one. Soz!

We’ve only played a handful of gigs so far, but we’ve had a truly great response which has motivated us even more. No, I don’t imagine for a second anything silly. But I don’t see why we can’t be a good semi-pro outfit with a full schedule. There’s plenty of work out there for good bands.

Watch out, here comes the sales pitch! If you are looking for a band playing an eclectic mix of fantastic covers from the 70s onwards in the Haute Vienne (Limousin), and surrounding departments for your party, wedding, biker fest, fete, celebration, we are available.

You can listen to a sample of our music on our reverbnation page here…

You’ll find my stuff including some hilarious pictures of bands in the past here…

We have a facebook page here. Please ‘like’ us. It’s good karma! 🙂

Keep on Rocking in the Free World

SB 🙂

Rock’n’roll update.

Following a superb gigging summer season in 2010 I played my last gig with Downright Liberty at Chez Adie’s bar. Thanks to everyone who has encouraged and supported me. Especially my friends The Indelibles. You are just great. I hope to see you all soon.

In the meantime, i’ve set up a page of my own on where I’ll post any new stuff.

During November ex pro drummer Supawal will be paying a visit, and we’ll be getting some top local musos to join us in a sort of “Cross Channel Session” type recording affair. Whhhoooo! watch out! 😉
